On Tuesday, Geo News reported that the Sindh Supreme Court had rejected a petition seeking to spread the names of patients with the new coronavirus across the region.

Judge Muhammad Ali Mazhar held a hearing today on the admissibility of the petition, and the petitioner Imran Shahzad rebuked for his attempt to uncover the injured.
The government does not reveal the names and you came to ask the court to reveal them Judge Mazhar said, addressing the petitioner during the hearing in a statement on Tuesday morning.

What kind of request is this Who are you and why do you want to know the names of people with HIV The judge questioned Mazhar during the trial in the courtroom.
Will people who have already recovered from the virus be comfortable with their names revealed in this regard The petitioner also asked, asking to explain the statement.

In response, the petitioner informed the judge that he wanted to know the details of the treatment given to patients who had recovered from the mysterious disease thus far.
Has a virus treatment really been invented The judge asked the appearance of a martyr in return? The petitioner replied The treatment has not been invented. The treatment will explain what is effective against the virus.

You don't have to file a petition on every minor issue in court. There is a lot of material available to reject a petition. Why do you want to know about the 2019 deaths The judge asked the petitioner.

The petitioner replied I need to compare last year's deaths with this year's deaths. The judge then asked the petitioner to delete unnecessary requests from the petition.